There’s a value in making things.
In getting hands-on, in tinkering with some spare parts and seeing what you can come up with, in knowing how to use the right tools for the job, in turning raw materials into something no one else had ever even daydreamed about before.
There’s an art to making things that do what we want them to do.
Advertising is often considered a knowledge industry. At its best, it’s a world of ideas and stories. At its worst, the ad business is a place where busywork meets abstract intellectual meandering. We chose the name Factory because we wanted a constant reminder that we make things. We don’t just contract out the execution of our lofty ideas and head for the hotel bar. Our job is to push our talents, develop new skills and take pride in work that’s worth doing and work that’s well done.
We’re creators. All of us. We all have talents and skills and ideas. Working together, we can get the most out of what’s inside of us. Every one of us.
We’ll make things. Because our name is Factory.
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