Izabela Skonieczka



Some folks are just born creative. Izabela Skonieczka is surely one of them. A daughter of artists – both of them painters, one an architect, the other a professor of art – Izabela grew up drawing, painting and playing music . . . trumpet, baritone and (much cooler) guitar. She graduated with honors and serious design skills from the College for Creative Studies in Detroit. Subsequently, she spent time at Campbell Ewald, BBDO and Team Detroit, with client experience that includes Ford, Jeep, White Castle, Oakwood Healthcare, Bosch, Carhartt, Compuware and Ohio Art. In early 2014, we tricked her into leaving big agency life behind and joining the team here at Factory, where she is responsible for overseeing all design work. Her very clear mandate: Using her impressive skills to bring greater beauty, elegance, style and power to everything we do.

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